At Great Chart Primary School, our mathematicians are happy, confident learners who approach all aspects of maths with a positive mind-set. We work to equip all children with the knowledge and skills needed to be a competent mathematician, both with mental computation as well as with paper and pencil calculations.
In order to fulfil this, children are given varied opportunities to become fluent with place value knowledge, numerical skills using the four operations + - x ÷. These then permeate other areas of mathematics; Geometry, Statistics, Fractions, Measurement, Ratio, Proportion and Algebra.
Reasoning and problem solving is integral to all lessons to prepare children with the skills needed to manage maths in the real world.
Progressive learning across the key stages ensures that skills and knowledge are built upon.
The school’s core values permeate the attitudes encouraged within this subject. Particularly relevant to the subject are; resilience to conquer new skills and knowledge; aspiration to be the best they can be as a mathematician; responsibility to do their best at all times; independence with tackling their learning and challenging themselves.