Absences and Holidays
Leave of Absence in Term Time
There are 13 weeks available for going on holiday etc when the school is closed. We do not want you to take your child out of school during term time. Time off school for family holidays, special events and outings is not a right. The Governing Body of Great Chart Primary School has agreed that leave of absence will not be authorised during term time. This is not an entitlement and leave taken in term time will adversely affect your daughter’s/son’s academic progress and their attendance record. Amendments to the The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006 make clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.
The Headteacher can authorise leave in exceptional circumstance only such as:
- for service personnel who are about to be deployed or are returning from deployment, providing the leave will have minimal disruption to the child’s education
- when a family needs to spend time together to support each other during or after a crisis.
In these circumstances a letter must be sent to the Headteacher at least 6 weeks before and must be agreed to before the leave begins.
Educational Development
The governors and the school wish to encourage the individual gifts and talents of all children and so, with evidence of the activity, the Headteacher may authorise extra curricular activities such as dance and music exams or auditions.
Days of Religious Observance
Absence of a pupil for participation in a day set aside exclusively for religious observation by the religious body to which the parents belong is classified as authorised absence.
It would be helpful if the school could be given advance notice of religious observance days.
Leave for these reasons will not be authorised:
- Holidays including the availability of cheap holidays;
- Availability of the desired accommodation;
- Poor weather experienced in school holiday periods;
- Overlap with beginning or end of term;
- Shopping trips;
- Birthday and family treats;
- Theatre trips;
- Going out for the day;
- Travelling time to and from a holiday destination;
- Not having a school uniform.
If an unauthorised absence is taken anyway, the case will be referred to the Attendance and Behaviour Service who will issue a Penalty Notice. Please read our Attendance Policy and download the attendance leaflet to find out more on how absence can affect your child’s education.