Admissions For Children Already At Primary School

Thank you for your enquiry about a place at this school for your child. Great Chart Primary School is currently oversubscribed.

If you are a parent wishing to apply for a place for your child at our school you will need to complete the In Year Admissions Form. Please send the completed form back to school or email it to You will need to fill in a separate form for each child. You will hear from us within 5 (school) days. If we are unable to offer a place your child’s name will be added to our waiting list. If you contact the school office you will be able to obtain information on how far down the list your child is. You have the right to appeal against the refusal of a place.

In Year Admissions Form

Our places are offered based on KCC Admissions criteria. 

KCC Admissions criteria

You can find further information about the admissions process on Kent County Council Primary Admissions website – In Year Primary Admissions

If you are unable to print the form, you can always request a copy from the school office and we will be happy to post it to you.

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