Useful Links
SATs Information | Preparing for KS1 SATs or KS2 SATs? You’ll find advice from parents, teachers and examiners as well as free SATs past papers to download in our SATs area. From preparation plans to revision planners, everything you need to help your child achieve their full potential in the Year 2 and Year 6 tests, as well as the optional SATs tests for Years 3, 4 and 5, is covered in this section. For a useful website with test papers please click here. |
Department for Education | The Department for Education is responsible for education and children’s services in England. We work to achieve a highly educated society in which opportunity is equal for children and young people, no matter what their background or family circumstances. | | Easy access to the public services you use and the information you need, delivered by the UK government |
Kent County Council | Local Government Information |
Educate Against Hate | Government advice and trusted resources for school to safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values. |
NSPCC Share Aware |
Share Aware – Help your child stay safe on social networks We tell our children to share but online it’s different. In fact sometimes sharing online can be dangerous. That’s why we’re asking parents to be Share Aware and keep children safe online. |
Counselling Directory | The purpose of the site is ultimately to provide the UK with a huge counselling support network, enabling those in distress to find a counsellor close to them and appropriate for their needs. The website also contains a number of sections on emotional disorders (types of distress section) and provides some useful statistics. |
Foundation Years | A useful site for families with children 5 and under – information and resources to aid learning and development |
I Can | A site to develop speaking and listening |
Love Reading for Kids | Lists popular books for all ages and also a section especially for boys. |
BBC – Schools | Up to date information from the BBC |
Teach Your Monster to Read | Games to help teach your child to read and develop into independent readers |
Twinkl | Useful resources for primary |
The latest research on what helps children succeed at school |
Good ideas for communication with your child |
How to help you child in every day life |
Getting ready for school, primary and secondary |
How to help children control stress and how to talk to them about it |
Encouraging your child to be independent |
A guide to keeping you child safe on the internet |
Where to find help and information |